Online-konferanse med mange gode tips til dyrevelferdsenhetene

RSPCA og EFPIA arrangerte 18. juni 2021 en online-konferanse om og for dyrevelferdsenheter. En representant fra den norske Forsøksdyrkomitéen deltok.

Mellom 300-500 fagfolk fra 21 land deltok på konferansen. Foreleserne var fra blant annet FELASA og EFAT og forskjellige dyrevelferdsenheter i EU. Presentasjonene handlet om opplæring for medlemmer av dyrevelferdsenhetene, samt samarbeid og synkronisering mellom EU-landene, og inneholdt mange gode tips til de som sitter i dyrevelferdsenhetene.

Se video av konferansen her.


Online conference with lots of good tips for the animal welfare bodies

On June the 18th 2021 an online conference was convened by RSPCA and EFPIA about and for animal welfare bodies. A representative from the Norwegian national committee attended.

Approximately 300-500 researchers and members of animal welfare bodies from 21 countries attended the conference “The Animal Welfare Body – a catalyst for progress”. The presenters included representatives from FELASA and EFAT and members of national animal welfare bodies from EU member states. Presentations included topics about education for members of animal welfare bodies, collaboration and harmonization between the EU countries and many smart tips for members of animal welfare bodies.

A video of the conference is available here.